Sarah Jones Sarah Jones

Data - the #1 topic as 2023 comes to a close

Organisations are increasingly recognising the value of data as a strategic asset. However, many businesses find it hard to effectively manage and harness the full potential of their data. At Amplify Technology, data is the number one topic that our customers want to talk about right now.

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Sarah Jones Sarah Jones

IT Operating Model

Recent surveys conducted by Gartner confirm compelling and important trends. 79% of CEO’s indicated that they intend to increase spend on “Digital”. 96% of the same CEOs in the same survey told that they have challenges with the realisation of their Digital strategy. So, is that good news or bad news? I think it is both.

In a separate but associated Gartner survey, 67% of CFOs say technology investment is not meeting expectations. It is fair and unfortunate to say that there is an amount of disappointment out there. A tough economy where getting a return on investment is hugely important but the ROI, value and outcomes that are committed to business cases are often hard to find.

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Sarah Jones Sarah Jones

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the world around us, and businesses of all sizes are looking to leverage this technology to gain a competitive edge. However, for many non-technology leaders, AI can be a complex and intimidating topic. This can result in AI opportunities being missed, or even opportunities being progressed but risks not being understood. Technology leaders have a responsibility to communicate about AI in a clear and understandable way so that that opportunities and risks can be discussed across organisations as broadly as possible.

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Sarah Jones Sarah Jones


SAP S/4HANA is a next-generation ERP system that offers a number of advantages over legacy SAP systems, including improved performance, simplified processes, and new capabilities such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. However, migrating to S/4HANA can be a complex and expensive undertaking. As a result, many organisations have not yet made firm plans for their migration..

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